It’s not all rainbows and butterflies…

“You don’t look sick…” Um, thanks? I’m glad my fake smile looks real! I get compliments all the time, and I really do appreciate it, often when I feel bad I don’t feel pretty. This is a touchy subject for people with an “invisible illness” because we don’t want to get mad at people, or at least I don’t. They didn’t purposefully say it like that (or maybe they did) but they didn’t hopefully mean anything by it.

Well anyways, I had a rough day. First things first, I would just like to vent for a moment because I had three tests in three different classes all in a row today. Teachers, can you please please please find another way to torture us? Because that is just cruel. I swear, I love my teachers, but they need to plan better. Also, fire drills at school: not the best way to start out the morning when you have sound sensitivity and they decide to blast a loud screeching sound at 8:30 in the morning to a bunch of half asleep teenagers. So I went to the counseling office and took a nice nap. And then again I took another nap this afternoon and slept fifty minutes into my history class. Lovely. I know a lot of POTS kids can’t go to school, and I do feel lucky enough to have my symptoms managed enough to be able to go, but boy, its not all its cracked up to be. I go to school, come home and crash. Literally. My body aches, my head hurts, I feel like I could either throw up or pass out, or both. Note: Teachers who keep their air conditioning running even though it’s only 70 degrees outside; can you just not? Your room is like 60 degrees and the constant cold is killing (read KILLING) my head. Here’s my advice for the day; stay positive even when things seem to not be going your way. Yes, I had a bad day, but it’s just one bad day, hopefully tomorrow will be better. Also a quick note before I go, my baby dog Teegan (who isn’t really a baby anymore, she’s six!) is having mouth surgery tomorrow morning, so please pray that it goes well! Thanks so much!


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